For Educational Institutes in Science & Technology
Even at the highest level of an organization irritation persists as to what exactly a strategy is or what exactly strategic leadership means, and how to put it in place.
While the leader’s voyage of development isn’t an easy one, the transformation from Expert to Achiever is the most commonly observed and practiced one by those in management and executive education.
However, over the long term, the most progressive teams are those with a Strategist mindset and behavior, in which the group sees challenges as opportunities for growth and learning on both the individuals and the organization.
Those who are willing to work at developing themselves and becoming more self-aware can almost certainly create over time a truly transformational environment.
Therefore :
We provide practical strategic leadership and management skills, tailor-made for scientists and engineers, who suddenly find themselves in a boss role.
We support them in active change from the more I-related work to the predominantly moderating guidance, from the know-how instead of only the know-what; individual, practical and with the aim that they can fulfill their new role, achieve their personal and corporate goals much easier in their future.
We give them assistance, approaches, and tools that allow them to develop a strategy, a theory, an idea or a product not only on paper, but bring it to life by the shortest and direct route in a way that makes it a joy for all parties - and achieves results.
For this metamorphosis, from the employee to the boss, we use blended learning, whereby practical and theoretical knowledge is interwoven with each other in a complex and everyday manner. In addition, individual support is provided.
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